Scene of Joachim and his Shepherds
Inscription reads И пришли вестника два и сказали ей: муж твой, Иоаким, идет со своими стадами: ибо ангел явился к нему и возвестил: Иоаким, Иоаким, Бог внял молитве твоей.
"And two messengers came and said to her: Your husband Joachim is coming with his flocks: for an angel appeared to him and said: Joachim, Joachim, God has heard your prayer.”
The second line of the top inscription on the image begins with приведите/privedite — “bring."
In the third line of the icon inscription, one can clearly see СТО КОЗ. What it is saying is сто козлят — “100 goats.”
So. this image represents Joachim calling his shepherds before him, telling them to bring him ten she-lambs, twelve calves, and one hundred goats. Joachim is seated at left, the shepherds stand at right.
We are most grateful to David Coomler who provided us with this insight into the icon. His blog 'Icons and their Interpretation' is a valuable source of information about the icons.
To read more, please see David Coomler's blog: